Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jobs, Work, Career?

As you can see I haven't posted since the weekend! The neglect was not by choice... stupid work, at stupid job has kept me insanely busy. I've had reports due, long ass meetings in Cambridge and now I might be traveling to NY next week. Oy!

Since we are on the topic of work let me explain my career a little more.

To begin, I don't HATE my job but I certainly don't LOVE it. Some days I enjoy the work and actually feel like I'm using my skills, other days I feel like my cubical is a cage and I need to be let free!! Then I start with the whole " if I told myself five years ago I would be working in an office cube I would have laughed". But its true, this was not in the plan, but life doesn't always go according to plans.

In college I had an obsession with the "news". I majored in it, interned for it and then when senior year rolled around the news gave me my first real job, as an associated producer! Sounds all fine and dandy, but then a year later I moved to Boston and EVERYTHING changed.

Boston is a pretty big market for news, so when I was offered a job and one of their stations I was tickled pink! But nobody warned me that my cozy Hartford station was heaven compared to sweat shops in Boston. Bottom line- I hated it! I would work overnights, get criticized for EVERYTHING, and was on an hourly wage. And the real eye opener, was that NO ONE was happy. It seemed that there was a constant revolving door of writers, reporters and anchors.

This experience was educational to say the least! I always thought I would work in news, but after enduring hell on earth for six months I knew I needed a change. Because of the economy smaller stations were making cuts, and rumor had it all big market newsrooms were the same- so this Bride to Be made a "career change". Public Relations it is!

So here I am today,working for a mid size PR firm in the backbay. As I sad before, I don't HATE it... but I don't LOVE it. I'm in a rut. Working in news, i hated my life but I enjoyed the work. I could be creative, it was exciting and something new everyday! In PR the work is "sub-par", I get bored easily and I am not able to be creative; But I love my life. Money is good, I never work weekends, holidays off, and lots of vaca time. So I'm stuck.

I guess the real issue is, I don't know what I want to be when I grow up?


  1. I'm almost 30 and other than a Yummy Mummy I have NO idea what I want to be when I grow up! At least you didn't sink 150 grand into Law School to still not have figured it out like I did!

    Glad to have you back.

    ps I've always thought working in PR would be so cool.

  2. Yes, this is true I never went to law school! I think PR can be cool, its just not for me.

    Maybe we can brainstorm some potential career choices!?

  3. Advertising?!? What about copywriting in advertising?? Kind of "newsy", kind of creative, kind of PR???? My former life was an Advertising Account Exec and loved it...didn't work weekends, but did work overtime, got paid well, had a lot of fun! Now I'm a Mummy and I just bought my own franchise and I'm learning to be my own boss...32 and still not sure this is what I want to do...but for now it's great!

    ps Love the blog :)

  4. Thanks Cali Ally!

    I actually have thought of advertising..seems exciting :)
