Friday, January 9, 2009

Making Memories

After doing some mid afternoon blog reading I stumbled across a post from Yummy Mummy, who is celebrating her 5 year anniversary today, Mazel Tov! Anywho- her post was about how she has been called “child bride” because she was 24 when wed. Well, lone and behold that is the precise age I am, and will be on my wedding day.

Therefore I dedicate this post to the young and in love!

When the Fiancé and I first announced our engagement we received many comments similar to “you’re crazy to get married SO young”. Or the words of wisdom from many of Fiancé’s frat brothers “Dude, I’m not getting tied down till I’m 35, you’re nuts”.

First of all 24 is not “too young” or a “child bride”. Both of us completed college, received our degrees, have great jobs, a home to call our own and most importantly are head over heels, crazy in love with each other!

Fiancé is a couple years older, but we have known each other forever. Back in the day, we were the “greek power couple”, me being sorority president and Fiancé was his Frat’s VP, ahh those were the daysJ I would spend hours gushing to friends about the crush I had on the SigEp VP!
But being young and in love does come with some obstacles. In addition to being “a Boston bride” I am a bride on a budget- a very strict budget! Don’t get me wrong we have good jobs, but we are new in our industries. Also, we are paying for the wedding/honeymoon ourselves. Like my G-ma always says, it’s those memories you make when you’re far from rich that will last a lifetime and build a successful marriage (G-ma has been married to G-pa for 56 years).

Our first night in our first home we slept on Fiancé’s college futon, ate pizza on the floor and rolled change to afford additional furnishings. We continued to sleep on that futon for almost a year, so you can imagine how great it felt to buy our very own “real” bed with our tax refund money last year.

So yes, we are young, we are far from rich, but we couldn’t be happier and more in love!



  1. Ha futon! Our's was an air mattress, I would say you are doing pretty well!


  2. It doesn't matter at what age love finds you.... it's the love you find that matters! Enjoy every moment x

  3. I'm all for young marriage! That way ... you really are building your life *together*, plus you get all the loot when you need it! :)

    Glad i found your blog!
